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Friday, November 21, 2008

Why Are We So Stressed Out?

We are living through a very difficult time and things don't look to be getting any easier. Sometimes life can seem terribly painful and unfair, yet somehow we manage to struggle on, day after day, hoping and praying that things will soon get better.

We are living in a world that is becoming a more stressful and uncertain place to live in. Nothing seems safe anymore. Millions of people are in record levels of debt. There are many people who are losing their jobs and their homes, which in turn effects their physical and mental health. Worry, depression and anxiety seem to have become a way of life for way too many people.

We seem to have entered the Age of Anxiety.This was a Time Magazine feature article in 2002 and it made the cover of the magazine.  The constant stress and uncertainties of living in the 21st century have certainly taken their toll, and as a result many of us seem to live a life of constant fear and worry.

When the terrorist attacks happened on September 11, this constant stress and worry seemed to just be magnified. People are still afraid even to this day that something of that magnitude could happen again, maybe even closer to home.

Turn on the news or open up a newspaper and we are bombarded with disturbing images and stories.  We begin to wonder if we are safe anywhere.  In this, the information age, never before have we had so much access to so much data.

The economy is another stressor.  Our country is in debt and so are many Americans.  Soaring gas prices, outrageous housing costs, even the cost of food has sent many Americans to work in jobs that are unsatisfying and tedious.  They work these jobs because they need a paycheck.  Today, it’s more important to bring home the bacon rather than work in a dream career.

Having more women in the workplace adds to the stress.  So many women feel the need to be everything to everyone and that includes a paycheck earner, house keeper, mom, wife, daughter, and sibling.  The only problem with that is some women just don’t make any time for themselves thus contributing to their stress levels being at an all-time high.

Cell phones, internet, palm pilots, blackberries, i-pods – we are always on the go and always reachable.  We don’t make time to relax and enjoy life any more.  Why not?  We certainly should!

Stress is a ‘normal’ function of everyday life. Only when it appears to take over our lives does it then become a problem. Everyone will have different reasons why a situation causes them pressure. As a rule it’s usually when we don’t feel in control of a situation, then we feel its grip tightening around us causing us to feel worried or ‘stressed’.

If stress is caused by us not feeling in control of a situation, the answer is to try and reverse this, and regain that control.  The good news is:  YOU CAN!

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