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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Saltwater Aquarium setup: Choosing the right tank

Saltwater Aquarium setup: Choosing the right tank

There are some factors involved when choosing the type of saltwater aquarium setup. Some major factors include what type of species do you want to stock, how much space do you have available, what is your spending power? Buying the largest saltwater aquarium setup you can afford which will fit within the environment you have chosen to use should be your first goal.

Your saltwater fish and other creatures are your first priority for your aquarium. The invertebrates and fish which will be in your tank require room to swim and grow but also need an environment where there is plenty of oxygen in order to survive. To determine this we look at the tank size. You can give your fish a great chance with the right saltwater aquarium setup.

Oxygen is an important part of your saltwater aquarium setup. There are a number of factors that determine the amount of oxygen in your tank the main one being the surface area of the tank. This equates to the area of water exposed to the atmosphere at the top of the tank. As oxygen transfers to your saltwater aquarium from the surface of the tank the greater that area is means there is more chance of oxygen transferring from the air into the water.

The surface area of your saltwater aquarium is not only for the intake of oxygen but also to let harmful substances like carbon dioxide t leave. The aquarium will be much healthier the more this process is allowed to develop. Another factor which determines the amount of oxygen in the water is temperature. The cooler the water the higher the oxygen content will be in general.

With warmer water tropical fish with temperatures above 75 degrees less oxygen is available. You may have to stock less marine animals if you do not have a large enough surface area for your saltwater aquarium. The bigger the tank you can acquire makes it much better for your marine life.

Determining your requirements needs thought as saltwater aquariums come in all shapes and sizes? It is not the size or volume of the tank which determines its surface area but the shape. Because of its shape a tank can have less surface area even though it holds a larger volume. For the gas cycle tall narrow aquariums do mot have the ideal area. A shorter wider tank will have a better exchange of gas.

With this in mind and your aquarium tank chosen, its time to move on to the inhabitants. The amount of marine inhabitants for your tank is directly determined from the size of tank you have purchased. Overcrowding is one of the worst things you can do to your saltwater aquarium setup. Too many inhabitants in your aquarium can overload and effect filtrating efficiency. Stressed fish living in cramped conditions is on of the major causes of fish death, diseases and illness.

You should start slowly when stocking up with fish. Introduce only a small amount at a time. Calculate what amount of water your aquarium holds in gallons. For the first six months introduce fish at one inch per fish for every four gallons of water. 15 fish would be the amount of fish in a sixty gallon saltwater aquarium. After the six months you can increase the amount of fish and have one inch of fish for every two gallons.

An example of a 60 gallon aquarium would be:-

Two 1-inch clownfish
One 1-inch Beau Gregory’s
Two 3-inch queen angel
Two 1- inch gobies
Two 1-inch blennies
One 2-inch Tang (surgeonfish)

You can mix and match as long as you get the basic sizes right. Then you can increase your fish to 30 after the six month period.

As with any creature when you get them young they will grow so be aware of this when buying new fish and adjust the amount in your tank to suit. Not only fish size but shape is also an Issue. In an aquarium with heavier fish you should have a fewer number of fish inside.

{The development of your saltwater aquarium takes time}. They are not cheap to buy and maintain so do not cut corners. It does not matter how much time and effort you put into your tank eventually you will have problems that need solving. with a bit of thought getting the right aquarium from the start is better than having to change it because you choose wrongly. Think before you buy, a small tank at the beginning is probably not the best idea. Wait until you can afford at least a 30 gallon tank or bigger before investing in your saltwater aquarium.

The choices of saltwater aquariums are vast starting with do you get a glass or acrylic tank? Will it be a ready made reef tank already suitable for all your filtration and other equipment? Choosing correctly is up to you so get advice. Common popular tanks like glass sealed with silicon are a good start. The range is vast from unusual hexagonal and octagonal shapes to the more conventional rectangular types. Glass tanks are less prone to scratching than an acrylic tank although the acrylic aquarium is becoming more and more popular.

There is a difference in the weight of acrylic and glass tanks. Large glass tanks are very heavy and hard to move. These tanks have quite thick glass. However a glass tank with a plastic frame is quite stable. Glass types are tempered which is stronger or shatter proof plated glass.

The popular option is an acrylic saltwater aquarium setup with moulded seems which are more transparent. One fault is that your view at the corners is distorted. The acrylic tanks on the market even outdo the glass variety in the amount of different shapes and sizes you can have. They cost more money and scratch easier which is a downside. The things to watch for to avoid scratches is be careful with decorations and when removing algae. The good news is that scratches can be removed using special kits.

The health of your fish is the priority whatever type of saltwater aquarium you go for. You need time to look after it properly and also enough cash to keep it in good order and properly maintained. Total relaxation can be found when watching your new marine friends playing in your aquarium. Your saltwater aquarium will give you much enjoyment and pleasure

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