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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Martial Arts And Its Movies

Almost all whom I know that does martial arts started with watching the kung fu movies. The most obvious and most classic ones are the martial arts movies done by the late Bruce Lee. He really set a new standard in martial arts films. He somehow just know how to make faster, more dramatic, and more involved than ever before. His movies not only had excellent and unprecedented fight scenes, but they also had interesting plots and sinister villains as well.

It is easy to forget how pioneering they are when we are watching the movie. Many people get caught up in the bad translations and cheesy dialog, not noticing the great fight scenes. The modern Chinese martial arts films took a big step further. The movies of people like Chow Yun Fat, Jet Li, and Jackie Chan have set a whole news level of excellence standard for martial arts fight scenes. They seamlessly combined special effects, brilliant choreography, and humorous antics into one seamless whole.

Of course, There are plenty of other martial arts movies besides the kung fu films such as movies about tai chi moves. America has been making fighting films for years. Well, there are the Karate Kid movies. Anyone who grew up in the 80s remembers these films. Their style are unique and that make it interesting. Karate is no longer interesting. In the Karate Kid movies, however, they really made it work very well.

Some of the more creative and interesting movies belong to the demostration catergory. I first saw a tai chi chuan moves demonstration video about a year ago, and since then I have been watching every single one I can get my hands on. Most of these are based around long, elaborate, intricate dance-like routines rather than simple fighting. All the moves are focus with intent, but elegant and graceful at the same time. The fighters shadowbox with imaginary enemies, leaping, vaulting, kicking, and punching all over the stage with perfect gracefullness. Their moves always have alot of aerobatics and martial arts weapons displays with grunts, shouts, and shoulder rolls. All in all, it is almost every bit as dramatic as watching Jackie Chan take on the bad guys in one of his martial arts movies. Best of all, it gives you a taste of the art that you don't really get in the big kung fu movies, No matter how cool they are. Somehow, it feels more authentic and more immediate.

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