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Saturday, November 22, 2008

How to Get Rid Of Your Phobia of Spiders

If you suffer from arachnophobia (fear of spiders), what options do you have?

You can scream or run away to find assistance from a family member who doesn't suffer from the same fear of these off looking creatures.

Or if you're on your own, maybe you grab the vacuum cleaner and kill the poor creature in the guts of the machine.

At this moment in time, one of these options probably the only solution open to you.

But let's face the facts, you're hundreds of times bigger than even the beastliest spider. So why should you let nature's fly catchers dominate your life?

Let's begin by working out how deep rooted your fear of spiders is. My guess is that because you're on this page, you can cope with the word "spider" on your computer screen. But if you were near a real spider, you'd be first out of the room in a race with it.

Some cures for arachnophobia involve looking at photos or pictures of spiders and you could use (say) Google's image search to do this, but most people never take this option. If you're feeling brave, give this a go now, but don't worry if you don't.

Instead, see if you can remember when you first became scared of spiders. Were you afraid of the spider? Or did the look and feel of the spindly spider's web creep you out, maybe as you accidentally walked into it and it got caught in your hair? If it's this second option, there's a good chance that your fear has been strengthened by various movies - cobwebs feature in a large number of horror movies.

Then think back further in time. Were you actually happily playing with a spider when your sister found you and started screaming? If so, that is near enough guaranteed to be the exact time you learned that you were "supposed" to be afraid of spiders rather than co-existing with them.

On the plus side, since you learned fast to be afraid of spiders, you can "unlearn" just as fast. You could pay a visit to a local hypnotist. Or you could save quite a lot of cash and still get your phobia removed by getting hold of a hypnosis spider phobia cure and playing it a few times. Download a hypnosis fear of spiders cure here now.

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