Make Money Online

RAP Bank

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Saving Money in Tough Times

These days, it's hard to be a business owner. Employees, benefits, insurance, stock, maintenance, and paperwork -- they've all got to be paid for, or your business will capsize. But there's hope! Money you don't spend adds to the bottom line just as well as money you earn, and nowadays, a business needs to save money every way it can.

So why, for example, should you have to go overboard paying for your business checks? You shouldn't have to overpay for a business necessity. Banks will be happy to supply you with your checks, but you're not legally bound to buy your checks from them. As long as your corporate, address, and account information is printed accurately on the checks, anyone can do them for you.

And here comes the cavalry -- also known as the Internet. Cheap checks for payroll, expense, and daily use purposes are a snap to find on the 'Net. They're inexpensive simply because the bank doesn't get its cut. Your bank won't provide better checks than these.

Private printers can offer a wider selection of designs and formats than your standard bank can. There are plenty of solid business designs to choose from, not to mention all kinds of watermarks and security features. You can even get specialized checks prepared for your accounting programs, including cheap Quickbooks checks, for a relative pittance. But beware -- there are so many potential choices you might have trouble picking the one you want!

Let your bank do what it does best -- and what it charges you enough money for. Instead of letting the bank stick it to you again, use the Internet to save yourself some money.

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