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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Review of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Book

The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind book promises a lot, and if you're like me, you're probably starting out feeling skeptical about its ability to deliver.  After all, T. Harv Eker says that with five minutes, he can predict a person's lifetime financial future!  However, closer examination of the book and what it has to offer could make a big difference.

That's because all of us have ingrained attitudes about success and money that are either letting us go forward or holding us back.  That's the most important thing we can learn from Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.  All of us have, at some point or another, picked up a personal money blueprint that tells us how to act when it comes to money.

This means that even with the knowledge I have about stocks, finances, sales, marketing and real estate, without the right money blueprint, I'll have a lot more trouble succeeding.  The good news is that every one of us can change our internal money blueprint to one that can make us a lot more successful.  That's what Secrets of the Millionaire Mind can do for us - teach us to fix our blueprints.

All of us have been programmed for either being rich or poor, and most of us will find that our internal programming is making us more poor than now.  However, I've recently been able to change the way I think about money, and you can, too.  In order to become a millionaire, you have to start out by thinking like one.

This book will spend a lot of time talking about the financial blueprint and telling us what we think about money and why we think this way.  However, the metaphor of the blueprint isn't allowed to obscure the truth of the message.  By ourselves, it's hard to see what's holding us back from success, which is why checking out Secrets of the Millionaire Mind can help.

The process might seem long and slow, but changes are actually going on each time we open up the book.  Results start happening right away, even if the journey to success takes a little longer.  This is million dollar advice, but thankfully, it doesn't cost that much.

Not sure if you should take a look at Secrets of the Millionaire Mind to see what it can do for you?  Well, if you're not willing to deal with having your mind changed, thinking about things in a while new way, and the mental discomfort that comes with being told you've been wrong, stay away.  It takes dedication and endurance to learn a whole new way of thinking about money.

On the other hand, anyone who's determined to succeed should definitely give this book a few moments.  It's not just one affirmation after the other - many of the things it has to say are quite uncomfortable to hear.  However, you'll know they're true once you hear them, and get ready to change the internal money blueprint that's been blocking your way to success.

If I could change my mind about finances, so can you, and Secrets of the Millionaire Mind might be the perfect way for you to do it.  See what this book can offer, and start on your road to success.

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