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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Acid Reflux Diet to Control Heartburn

Heartburn is a common occurrence that will affect nearly everyone at one time or another. However, when heartburn becomes more frequent it can turn into acid reflux disease, which can become uncomfortable enough to get in the way of daily life and even cause damage to the lining of the esophagus if it is left unchecked. For some, keeping the painful symptoms at bay is as easy as developing an acid reflux diet that will eliminate heartburn triggers from the daily menu. Figuring out what your heartburn triggers will help you determine what will be the best acid reflux diet for you.

Some people will find that by eliminating the common culprits of heartburn from their food choices, they can create the most effective acid reflux diet. There are many potential heartburn triggers in the average diet, including fatty and fried foods and spicy fare. Tomatoes and tomatoe based products, chocolate, garlic, citrus fruits and onions are foods that you should avoid when starting an acid reflux diet. It is also a good idea to stay away from caffeine and alcohol, since these are know causes of heartburn as well.

You should eat six smaller meals a day rather three large ones in your acid reflux diet. If you so not let the stomach get full then the potential of digestive acids moving back up through the digestive tract is lessened which will reduce the heartburn symptoms. Lying down with a full stomach can also result in heartburn, so avoid eating too close to bedtime or taking a nap right after a meal.

For those who are having a tougher time pinpointing their heartburn triggers, it may help to keep a food journal before you determine the best acid reflux diet for you. For a couple of weeks, chart the food that you eat and the days that you experience heartburn symptoms. Through this process, you can figure out which specific foods are the culprits of your heartburn, so that you can eliminate them from your acid reflux diet. While this process may seem time consuming, it is well worth the effort if it can help you keep painful heartburn symptoms at bay.

Another idea is to do a body detox. Eliminate those food that are high in toxins and chemicals may help you find a solution to acid reflux.

Damage to the esophagus can occur if you leave frequent heartburn untreated for a long time. The good news is you can keep your acid reflux or heartburn conition under control by developing an acid reflux diet.

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