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Friday, December 26, 2008

What Can Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Offer You?

Secret of the Millionaire Mind

Self help books are ten a penny and I thought Secrets of the Millionaire Mind was going to be just the same.  But T Harv Eker, the author, has convinced me otherwise.

The back cover of this book gets you thinking, but it not only tells you how your current money mentality has got you to where you are it also shows you how to change it.  Harv teaches his principles at the Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar, but the book itself is pure gold.

What did I learn?  Well I don’t have a full on millionaire mind yet, im still learning, but I now know that I’ve been thinking the wrong way about money for years.  My partner and I quarrel about money and I can see now that it’s our upbringing and formative beliefs that are responsible.

T Harv Eker founded the Peak Potentials Training company on his beliefs, and those beliefs are shot right through his book, Secrets of a Millionaire Mind.  If you want to know why you never seem to win in life, then this is for you.  If you already think you know everything then you might not want to bother reading it – but I guarantee you’d be missing a trick!

I loved the fact that Harv uses various success stories throughout the book, but to my mind there weren’t enough of them.  I love reading these because you get to see how real people have put the principles that Peak Potentials Training stands for into action, and you can never have too many of them.

But let’s not forget what T Harv Eker has achieved with “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”, because he has created a book that touches on everything you need to know to start making the changes that will result in transforming your life completely.  There are no long beginnings here – be ready to start learning right away!

There is no doubt that the Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar changes the lives of everyone who attends, including me, but the book itself packs some real power and is all you need to propel you into a new life if you are prepared to work with it.

Let me be very clear though and tell you that it’s no good reading this book with a dubious frame of mind.  You’ll need the ability to read and digest everything: reading alone won’t do the trick here.  This is a practical guide to changing your life and your attitude about money.

I cannot encourage you to read T Harv Eker’s Millionaire Mind book, more strongly than this. My life has been transformed because of it and Harv can help you move towards a brighter and more prosperous future in exactly the same way as he has helped me.  Don’t pass on this book – you’ll regret it.

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