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Friday, December 26, 2008

The History Of The Playstation Game And The PSP

Playstation History

A PSP system is not complete without one very important item. No, it is not the battery though that is a necessity. The item in question is one that makes the Playstation Portable system worth having and playing. What could this mystery item be? It is the Playstation game that brings the PSP to life. Without the games, the PSP is nothing more than a very expensive paperweight. Sure you can play a movie, but isn't the entire purpose of having a hand held game console so that you can play video games?

The first Playstation game system to hit the market was unlike anything seen before. The biggest competitor at that time was Nintendo, who utilized a paltry 16-bit system. Sony, on the other hand, offered a 32-bit game system that completely blew the Super Nintendo System away. Sony made a very smart move by releasing, at the same time, a Playstation game in every genre. Games such as Twisted Metal, Philosoma and Ridge Racer helped to sell customers on the incredible graphics and ease of use. No more game cartridges either, because the Sony PSP Playstation system uses discs.

Two of the greater drawbacks of using a gaming system tha is hand hel is the lack of choice of game or the games quality. Well rest your fears, because the PSP system has both an incredibly advanced playing system (operating with two 32-bit CPUs) and a gaming library that makes other consoles hide in shame. The portable Playstation game library boasts over four hundred titles. By anyone's standard that is astonishing. Imagine all of the power and graphics of a traditional console wrapped into the handy new playstation portable square of gaming bliss.

Thanks to game designers wishing to cash in on a global market, you as the customer and game buyer can benefit as well. Think about those great titles on other gaming systems such as Halo, or Medal of Honor. Game designers are licensing and producing more of their games for multi-systems rather than putting all of their eggs into one company. Yes, there are still specific games associated with certain gaming systems, but eventually there will be more games transitioning over and they will be offered as a Playstation portable game.

It is hard to imagine a time when video games were not a part of today's culture. The Xbox, Playstation and the Nintendo are all three very popular gaming systems. Sony accomidated their fans with the advent of the Playstation Portable, or the PSP and the Playstation 3. Not only can the Playstation 3 play games but it also has the ability to play movies as well. Kids as well as adults can frequently find themselves eagerly anticipating the next release of a game. If you are one of these dedicated gamers you can find new games and movies for the Playstation 3 by clicking here:

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