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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Stress Is Managed Differently

We all manage stress differently and some of us fail to manage stress and suffer physical symptoms because of that failure. The same way that other skills for life are taught during high school or college, coping mechanisms should be something taught to us. Learn skills that will help us to reduce, prevent or to cope with stress as it presents at home, work or school can be done by each and every one of us.


One way to cope is to plan strategies to prevent or avoid those things that have caused stress in the past. The ability to say "no" to personal and professional added responsibilities over an above what is normally expected of us may be included in avoiding stress,, and by avoiding those individuals who tend to stress us out and by taking control of the environment in which we live, work and if applicable go to school. If hearing about terrible news stresses us out we can avoid reading the newspapers or turn off the news on the TV. In relationships we can avoid those topics that usually start arguments. We can also rearrange daily tasks or delegate responsibilities so that our "to-do list" doesn't stress us out.


Incorporate fun and relaxation into your daily routine, practice saying "no" so that you don't over-commit yourself of your time or abilities, of the tasks that you do accept make sure that you prioritize the tasks that you do accept, when possible break down these tasks into smaller projects and then reward yourself for completing each smaller segment and lastly, learn how to delegate responsibility and supervise so that you are not stressing over whether or not it was done right.


You can also learn how to accept things that you cannot change by trying not to control those things that are not in your control. You can find the positive in all things if you look for it. Share how you feel with others. Practice the art of forgiveness. Anger and resentment will only harden you and create negative energy that binds you to stress.

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