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Thursday, December 25, 2008

The PSP - The Latest and New Playstation In The Gaming Industry

PSP 2? No - it's the PSP Slim and Lite!

Technology is always progressing and moving forward in design and function. Some of the improvements are tremendously beneficial and enhance the technology, whereas some are actually a set back. When the new Playstation Portable debuted, many users were skeptical about whether or not the new system would still play the same games as the old system, and if the features would be better.

September 6, 2007 was the launch date for the new Playstation Portable Slim & Lite. The name summed up its brand new look. On the surface the hand held console looked the same, but upon picking it up, the difference was immediately noticeable. The new Sony Playstation Portable was 33% lighter and 19% slimmer. However, the real improvements are inside the little hand held gaming console.

So what can you expect from the new gaming unit? You can expect shorter load times. The designers at Sony doubled the internal memory to 64 MB. The LCD screen is lighter. The D-pad is raised a bit higher, thus helping your fingers gain better control when playing. It also now has the ability to charge via its USB port while gaming. This was something the original could not do. Before, you could only charge the PSP system while not gaming.

In the gaming industry, big disappointments can happen when transitioning from an old system to a new one. Oh, the graphics and speed are great, but what about all that money you invested in games for the old system? Well, with the new Playstation Portable, you do not have to worry about games not being compatible. The ones that worked on the old system will work on the new system. Thank you Sony developers and testers.

The new Playstation Portable system is not out of the woods yet. Nintendo has no plans to acquiesce and allow Sony to take away from their sales. The new Nintendo DS Lite is the chief competitor, but many gamers wonder if a portable Xbox gaming system will make its debut to entice gamers away from the two giants. The new PSP's are still leading sales, but it is only a matter of time before the competitor's edge into this market.

A popular sensation within the gaming community is the Playstation 3. It gives you the ability to do gaming on a completly new level. It also can play movies. So no more excuses on not having a player for your movies. Playstation truly addressed the problems of top end gaming and are going head-to-head with the Xbox 360 by providing a great game system that can entertain for hours. The best part is that you do not have to track the Playstation 3 information down. Take a look at some by going here:

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