"Liver" or age spots may be harmless but they tend to look like Cancerous growths. They can be raised or flat, small or large. They appear on arms, hands, shoulders, feet and just about anywhere touched by the sun. Those with fair skin are especially plagued by this unsightly skin damage. While preventing them may be next to impossible, given our body's natural attraction to the sunshine, most of the pigment is at the base of the epidermis, which is the top layer of the skin, so there are several treatments that can successfully reach the root of the problem.
UV rays, tanning beds and excess sunlight are generally the culprits behind the darker pigmentation, but as we age, the body produces extra melanin, which also contributes to the appearance of "liver" spots. There are other speculations. For example, pregnancy or certain kinds of birth control pills that create shifting hormone levels have been rumored to cause them too. Some researchers even believe that handling psoralens, such as parsnips, limes and parsley before going out in the sun increases your likelihood of getting age spots. Medicine culprits may include antibiotics like Tetracycline, diuretics (water pills) and antipsychotics, like Thorazine. But then again, in some cases it's mostly hereditary.
Your "liver spots" may be cancerous melanoma if you notice certain distinctive abnormalities. Lentigo Maligna Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that develops from long-term sun exposure. This cancer begins with tan or brown lesions that slowly darken and enlarge. Additionally, they usually have irregular borders, uneven coloring and are slightly raised.
Reversa HQ and Neo Strata HQ are prescription bleaching creams containing Hydroquinone. Retinol is a good option if Reversa is too strong for your system. Some patients try applying the creams every other day to strengthen their tolerance, while others opt to use mild steroids to ease the side effects over the next few months, while the age spots are fading.
Another popular option is laser therapy to combat spots and repair damaged skin by destroying excess melanocytes. Laser treatment requires several visits and may be expensive, but the results are effective, with "liver" spots usually disappearing within weeks. This is a rewarding option because the probability of scarring is very low. As far as skin solutions go, this may be expensive, although for more serious cases, it's ideal.
Dermabrasion is a procedure that removes age spots by sanding down the epidermis skin layer with a rotating brush. Redness, itching and scabbing is normal initially, but over the next few weeks the skin will re-grow healthier and smoother. While peeling, grinding, lasering, freezing and blistering may not seem ideal, people have been doing this for years with success. Skin damage is no laughing matter. After all, the last thing you want is an unsightly giraffe spot that later develops into skin cancer!
The human body ages and begins to show signs of this aging process as environmental factors contribute to wrinkles and sagging skin. Some people elect to go under the knife of a cosmetic surgeon but you do not have to be one of these people. Before you start thinking about cosmetic surgery you should consider some alternative methods for getting rid of those pesky wrinkles around your eyes and mouth. Creams and lotions can help stop the process and there are exercises you can do to tone up the face. Find out more by clicking here for more information:
To learn more go to Cocoa Butter As Wrinkle Remover and at Low Cost Wrinkle Cream and at Wrinkle Serum
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