The show follows a fictional man simply called the Fonejacker, played by actor Kayvan Novak, who is a masked prank caller who calls unsuspecting members of the public as various characters. The show includes on-screen animations reminiscent of Monty Python, comprising pictures of people with cut-out mouth movements. Others are accompanied by undercover filming in which the Fonejacker is in a street calling a company nearby. Except for the Pilot – where he wore black – he always wears a red and white balaclava and sunglasses.
While Kayvan Novak’s figure is kept anonymous by the Fonejacker costume, he can be clearly seen during Mr. Doovdé’s calls, advertising DVD players and dfs. as a model.
Following a definition of the term “fonejack” (to seize control of a telephone conversation by farce esp - to divert it from reason and logic), each episode usually starts with the Fonejacker calling Directory Enquires from an American payphone, posing as Mr Doovdé. The fifth episode was headlined by Mike, rather than Mr. Doovdé.
The last episode of series 1 revealed that two callers had previously been fonejacked by Terry, implying that Fonejacker does not tell the victim the call was a joke. It’s likely not every Fonejack is included on the show, since those victims hadn’t appeared in other episodes.
Channel 4 runs a show called Comedy Lab exhibiting new comic talent, where Fonejacker’s pilot first appeared in 2006. A six-part series was given in October 2006, following the show’s initial success; it would get broadcast on E4 starting in April 2007. It was also given a Christmas special that was broadcast on December 29, 2006 entitled Fonejacker's Christmas Message which was a five-minute short version of the pilot. Fonejacker: Coming April 2007 - Don't Pick Up The Phone; this message came as a warning, in the end of the show.
Starting in March, both Channel 4 and E4 started to air a teaser trailer for the upcoming series; the 30 second advert consisted of clips of the pilot. The show was somehow put on hold, and it wasn’t aired in April, Rumors started to spread it would begin June 7 2007, but when the time came nothing happened. After this, rumours spread that the show would start on June 7 2007, which was also fake. There would no longer be a show – some fans started to think – however new trailers got aired in June that proved them otherwise. "New sightings of the Fonejacker", were announced from the TV within the Fonejacker’s flat, even as he proceeded to make his calls. The new adverts ended with the catchphrase Don't Pick Up The Phone, followed with the same E4 webpage. Some days after, a newer advert followed.
The Fonejacker called into the show Big Brother’s Little Brother just a few hours before his own show was set to start; he posed as Terry Tibbs and talked with a girl called Carrie about a Mazerati. Lacking any reference of Fonejacker, the called left presenter Dermot O’Leary quite vexed. All throughout the night, there was a warning of sorts placed just below E40s on-screen graphic: “Fonejacker Tonight 10-30”.
The fan site has many soundboards, im quite particular to fonejacker sound board that features terry tibbs, this one always makes me giggle.
From the first independent edition of Fonejacker, on July 5, 2007 at 10-30 pm, the show started using strong profanity.The second Fonejacker series would air on 9 September 2008. Most people still wonder if there will ever be a third series.
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