College life is fun. Many people would even say that it is in college that they had the best years of their lives. So, when college ends, there is that part of you that does not want to leave. But, at the same time, there is another part of you that feels excited to finally enter what “grown ups” call the “real world”. So, put on that professional image and wear your nice corporate attire. Go and conquer the interesting field of job hunting.
Job hunting can stir up all sorts of emotions to new graduates such as yourself. On one hand, you feel excited and hopeful. The idea of landing your dream job is what inspires you to get up in the morning, spend time on your application materials such as resumes and cover letters, and attend interviews. On the other hand, fear and confusion also set in. Questions like, “Is this right for me?” or “Do I really want this job?” lingers around in your head. You also fear about being rejected by the companies in your top list to apply for and end up getting a job you do not really want. Having all these emotions bottled up inside is certainly consuming. That is exactly the reason why you would want your job hunting stage to be as brief as possible.
The news has been giving up updates on the growing concern on the global economy for over a year or so. The situation has gotten worse than any financial expert and economic analyst have anticipated in our generation. The global economy has plunged in a very frustrating state that many small to large-scale businesses have closed. Banks and even the most established financial institutions have either filed for bankruptcy or are in a struggling possition due to the economic problem.
It is times like this that you, as a new graduate, and the ones who are still trying to complete their education grow anxious about the future. With the economic turmoil, one cannot help but to jump into assumptions or conclusions that landing graduate jobs in reputable companies which offer a competitive compensation would be impossible to achieve. Because of their lack of experience, new graduates particularly feel the pressure during this situation. Companies, whether big or small, have now cost cutting as their ongoing motto. That being said, many of them would prefer applicants who already have experience in the job vacancy that they wish to fill as that would save them time and money that they usually spend on training.
Many companies from even the highest income generating cities currently have a no hiring period. That puts even more weight on the shoulders of new graduates. However, London is a city that does not feel the pressure of finding a job as much as other UK cities do. There are plenty of graduate jobs in London that you can try your luck on. UK's top 100 companies, as well as Europe's top 500, have office and even headquarters that are located in London. So, no matter what profession you wish to pursue when you graduate, you are sure to find a graduate job in London where you can start building your career on.
Among the best jobs in London that you can apply for are graduate jobs in marketing. Marketing jobs appeal to many people because of its challenging and exciting nature. The work responsibilities are widely varied. That implies that you get to acquire knowledge and experiences that will aid both your personal and professional growth. A marketing job would most likely include responsibilities such as planning, advertising and promotion, public relations, product development, solicitations and sponsorships and, of course, market research. If you wish to try your luck out for graduate marketing jobs, you must take the time to study the qualities an employers would be looking look out for. Some of these qualities include initiative, literacy in information technology and comprehensive analytical skills.
Finding a graduate job during these times can really be a huge challenge. What you can do at this time of global economic crisis is to explore your capabilities. Find out what your strengths and weaknesses are, and determine what it is you are cut out for. Our generation has redefined survival of the fittest. You must be armed with all your qualifications, skills and talents, and continuously develop them in order to survive.
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