Look around you, prices of commodities kept on increasing is it not? The news about oil price hike has always been in the front page. But did you notice what is the news telling about the solution to high cost of petroleum fuel? Look for an alternative cheap fuel, which is the common solution you will find nowadays. At which alternative fuel stands out? Its Biodiesel fuel! Could it become the future "Green Gold"?
What is Biodiesel and why it is becoming so popular among the motorists in almost all parts of the World? Biodiesel fuel is an alternative fuel for diesel engine vehicles that uses petroleum diesel fuel to run their car. Aside from the cheaper price, the emission from engine is much cleaner so it does not contribute pollution to our environment. It has no bad odor; production cost is not very expensive. It is made from 87% vegetable oil or animal fats, which are renewable energy products.
This is globally accepted because it has passed all the testing requirements for health effects of the 1990 clean Air Act amendments. The manufacturers also follow strictly the industry specifications (ASTM6751) to maintain the quality of the produced product.
The main question is how can we maintain or even lower the price? The good news is there many countries are taking Biodiesel development seriously. As a matter of fact there are many Biofuel World Events that are scheduled this year. Actually there are four big events scheduled this month of August 2008. The four countries hosting these events are India, Malaysia, USA, and Brazil.
Can we expect for a brighter future without too much dependence on petroleum oil? I believe so. Global cooperation and joint research effort plus the transparent sharing of information on new development will lead to a big success. Today, we are very lucky to have advance telecommunication technology, exchanging and transmitting of data is very fast and efficient. We are looking forward for the bright future of a "Green World" and the birth of a new "Green Gold" era. I do believe that we are going to find a better alternative fuel source soon.
For more information about Biodiesel Fuel, please click here: http://Orlando-Racelis-Online.com/ORO-Biodiesel1.html
The Author is doing a research on renewable energy resources and on Alternative Biofuel Sources. Check out for his Free ebook on Biodiesel Fuel: http://orlando-racelis-online.com/ORO-Biodiesel1.html
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